Yes, certain powers cannot be transferred through PoA. It includes Voting, bankruptcy, etc.
FAQ Category: Services
What is property management? What is the need for a property manager?
Property management takes responsibility for day-to-day activities, maintenance, maintaining of properties, security, etc. Property managers work for the property owner. They preserve the value of the property by generating income. The need for a property manager arises when the owner cannot manage all his rental property efficiently. It is in this situation; the role of property managers appears.
Is a legal lawyer required for the preparation of Power of attorney?
It is not a legal requirement. But it is always good to get legal advice to avoid confusion and errors.
Can Powers of Attorney be given to more than one agent at a time?
Yes, it is possible to give Power of attorney to two or more at the same time. It is also possible to name a second agent to take over in certain circumstances.
When does Power of Attorney take effect, and how long it lasts?
It comes into effect immediately after the signing of it by the donor itself. It can also take into effect in future times. The period for a power of attorney will depend on the donor. It can be written to last either for a limited period or indefinite.
My father has some ancestral property in his name, along with his brothers. One of his brothers is in possession of the said property and has started construction on it without informing his brothers. Now, my father wants to get his share separated from the joint property. What remedy is available to him?
As it is a joint property, your father can file a suit for partition and get his individual share separated. The suit can also be filed without taking consent from other co-owners. Once the property is partitioned, your father will have his independent share, and his brother will no longer be able to hold possession of the said share.
Will I be required to travel to India to file a partition suit?
No, with the assistance of our team, you can file the suit without travelling to India. This can be done by appointing a Power of Attorney holder. Through this, the case can also be supervised and managed by a team.
Can a partition suit be instituted by a person residing outside India?
Yes, a suit for partition can be instituted by a person who is not residing in India, provided such person has a right in a joint property situated in India.
If my family is not ready for consensual partition, on what basis will the land be divided by the concerned legal authorities?
In case there is an absence of family settlement at the time of partition, the land is partitioned by adopting the principle of good-to-good and bad-to-bad land. On the basis of this principle, the land is distributed amongst the co-owners, and they are granted a share of equal value.